Dear All (sorry only in English).
I am searching a drum brake (Bremstrommeln) for my trailer the same one I actually have or a replacement.
The one is installed in an axe made by Peitz in 93' X-EGB 18(?)
The broken one has written two codes 2F93331 and 293 number
The one was using bearings X32007 from Timken.
If someone can help guiding me to the right product, I would appretiate, I am located in South America and will probably need to buy first in Germany and then send it by post.
I measured the one that might be + - 1/2 mm error on measurements:
A = 250 mm (inside diameter)
D = 270mm (outside diameter with dust shield
H= 260 mm (outside diameter without dust shield )
G= 150 mm (diameter front part)
J= 140mm (inside diameter front part)
E= 60mm (hole for bearings and axis)
F= 50mm (brake flat surface track width)
B= 80mm (aprox) (Deep of the drum
I= 5mm (dust shield separation from the end)
Five bolts
distance each from center 67mm
I also measured the axe distance 115 mm from the plate. and diameter of 34mm